Thursday, October 1, 2009

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Tuesday Morning, Melissa Ethridge appeared on Good Morning America. Robin Roberts introduced her this day to remind us of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Both Ms. Roberts and Ms. Ethridge are survivors. Both of these women use their public careers to promote women's health in a positive and proactive way. They joined together on this morning, a few days before October crisply crept in, to herald in this very important month.

Melissa Ethridge, a hard rockin', acoustic guitar playing, woman, declared her "survivorhood" in a glorious song, "I Run For Life." Sitting with my son on the couch, we both found ourselves frozen by the lyrics, particularly the refrain. Of course, I went to the computer and found the lyrics on-line.

I run for hope, I run to feel
I run for the truth, for all that is real,
I run for your mother, your sister, your wife,
I run for you, and me, my friend,
I run for life.

To say that Ethridege's visceral performance didn't stir my emotions, would be a lie. What moved me the most is how deeply I related to these words. If I replaced the word "run" with "write," you would understand why I spend hours writing every week. Thank you for the words and the work, Melissa. Keep delivering the message, Robin. It will be a great priviledge to soon join you in this passionate work.

1 comment:

  1. I imagine your mom is smiling from Heaven and cheering you on in your own 60 day "marathon."
