Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Special Moments and Promises Kept

Last night I wrote the final chapter, dotted the final i, and crossed the last t.  100 Happy Moments crossed a huge hurdle by reliving the most difficult evening of my life, my family's life- the death of my mother.  As I wrote the final words of the book, the final words my father said to my mother, tears poured down my cheeks-at one point I had to stop and compose myself.  It felt like I was in the nursing home room again.  I thought to myself, "Why am I doing this to myself?"  And I remembered my mother's smile, our promise that made her strong to do whatever she needed to do to live, and the happy moments Dad and I created to make every day for her special.  And I remembered the importance of letting people know that if you have a loved one who is sick with cancer and you don't know what to do to help her- just give her a happy moment- visit, go to a movie, wear a smile, or give her ice cream.